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    Significance of Logo
    Significance of the Logo:

    The concept of the logo as well as the tag line was given by our Gurudev Bramharishi Mahamrityunjya Shri Shri Bhrigugiri Maharaj. The entire presentation has a very profoundmeaning. The temple symbolizes our body. According to Bhrigugiri Baba, Knowledge has 3stages. The first one is called Gyan (or elementary simple knowledge), the second is called Vigyan (or Scientific knowledge), third is Pragnyan (Super Atomic or Spiritual Knowledge).When one evolves through all these three stages, the person then attains theSamadhi Stage which is otherwise in Sanskrit known as the Agasti State ( A + Gasti= Agasti, meaning beyond speed).This is where all speed ends. Which means that reaching here, all temptations and fickleness of the mind and the intelligence comes to an end. This Samadhi Stage or Agasti State can be loosely termed in English as Enlightenment (English language is not very deep and its range it’s limited. The word Enlightenment has been used here just to provide a basic understanding for the common people who do not have much knowledge of Spirituality).

    Thus, when one reaches Samadhi or Enlightenment by reaching the Pragnyan Stage, the person fully attains Atma Gyan .The burning lamp inside the temple symbolizes the Aatma or Soul. Thus when one achieves Atma Gyan or Self-Knowledge, cosmic light or aura will spontaneously emanate from within. Hence, there are as shown, Sun rays which are radiating from the temple and illuminating the surrounding by creating an aura.

    Satyam Atman Ananta Brahmam –The Message:

    Satya means Truth. The other name of Satya is Atma (Soul). The Atman is Ananta or Infinite. Thus Truth or Satyam is Infinite. That, which is Infinite or Ananta is Brahmam-the Absolute Purusha. Thus Atman is Satya .It is Ananta and it is Brahmam.

    In Essence: Satyam is Atman, Atman is Ananta and Ananta is Brahmam

    Similarly in the reverse way, Brahmam is Ananta, Ananta is Atman and Atman is Satyam.

    If you observe the logo and even if we read in the criss-cross way, we will find that each word holds the composite meaning of all the four words. Likewise, all individual words together contain the same significant meaning of each word. Thus Satyam is Brahmam or Ananta is Atman .Subtly speaking, it’s the precise ancient philosophy of One for All and All for One.

    Har Har Mrityunjya…

    The noble and polite mission of Mrityunjya Tourism is to sting the consciousness of the people and the youth, and awaken within everyone the burning consciousness of Self-Knowledge. In other words, Mrityunjya Tourism aims to help people have a focus shift from the outer to the inner .For only when one has Self-knowledge, can he become a strong, stable, steadfast and a successful leader. Whereas, a person with no self-knowledge can never lead himself. And the one, who doesn’t know how to lead self, can never ever lead others.

    The take home message therefore is, whether you are a business leader, an entrepreneur, a sportsperson, a corporate employee or even a statesman, having self-knowledge is de-facto to victory and sustainable success and Mrityunjya Tourism will soulfully support you in your solemn journey of inner discovery…